Catalogue of Exposition HIDDEN „HERITAGE”
Year published: 2012 Page count: 54 Size: A4 (29,7 x 21 cm) Languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English ISBN No. 978-973-9377-55-3 Publisher: Utilitas Sponsors: Administration of the National Cultural Fund Stock availability: Not available Sell Price: 0.00RON |
The publication was issued at the vernisage of the expositions entitled Raising Awareness on the Heritage Values of Historic Roof Structures and Emphasising the Heritage Values of Historic Roof Structures. The events were held in Cluj-Napoca and Timişoara. The project, with its two stages, aims, among others, at obtaining appreciation from specialists and profanes of the roof structures and makes an inventory of the historic roof structures of intuitive-empirical concept. At the same time, the purpose of this project was to raise the awareness of the participants on a hidden side of the wooden built heritage.