lolcatz 22, 2024

The post conference volume of the TUSNAD 1998

Year published: 1999

Page count: 236

Size: A4 (29,7 x 21 cm)

Languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English, Deutsch

ISBN 973-97932-9-0

Publisher: T3

Sponsors: The Romanian Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, Historic Building Department, Museums and Collections Department, Ministry of Public Works and Teritorial Development, Illyés Foundation, Ministry of the National Cultural Heritage

Stock availability: On order

Sell Price: 0.00RON

The post conference volume of the TUSNAD 1998

The historic towns are characteristic structures, result of the social, economic and cultural development of particular areas. They are characterised by general elements as well as by  their particularities. The possibilities of territorial protection, often very restrained by means, space and time, have proved that we have to deal with an area that surpasses in quality the historic building protection. The volume includes the lectures of the 7th edition of the Conference Series on Theoretical and Practical Issues on Built Heritage Conservation – TUSNAD, having as topic a theme of eternal importance: the Historic Towns. The lectures of this publication deal with a very wide spectrum of the activities that converge from the protection of historic towns and of the cultural-historical landscapes, to the matter of the cultural tourism potential. The texts of the publication have been edited in four languages.