Transsylvania Nostra Journal 2/2013
Year published: 2013 Page count: 60 Size: A4 (29,7 x 21 cm) Languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English Număr ISSN 1842-5631 Publisher: Utilitas Sponsors: Fondului Cultural Naţional – Ungaria Stock availability: In stock Sell Price: 0.00RON |
The most voluminous article of the Transsylvania Nostra Journal no. 2 presents dendrochronological analyses and architectural history observations on the Unitarian Church ensemble in Dârjiu, Harghita County. The following articles continue the series already started formerly. One of them is about the park of the Béldy Ladislau Manor House in Budila, Braşov County, as well as the next one presents structural strengthening modalities in case of historic buildings.