lolcatz 22, 2024

Transsylvania Nostra Journal 2/2014

Year published: 2014

Page count: 100

Size: A4 (29,7 x 21 cm)

Languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English

ISSN No. 1842-5631, ISSN No. 2344-5084, ISSN-L No.1842-5631

Publisher: Utilitas

Sponsors: National Cultural Fund of Hungary

Stock availability: In stock

Sell Price: 50.00RON

Transsylvania Nostra Journal 2/2014

The articles of the Transsylvania Nostra Journal no. 2/2014 were dedicated to the celebration of Mr. professor engineer PhD. SZABÓ Bálint’s birthday. He is the founder of the UTILITAS company, director of Transsylvania Nostra Foundation and a significant personality in Transylvanian historic building protection as from 1989. The UTILITAS company was founded in 1991 in the field of built heritage, implicated in a series of innovative activities in this domain. The postgraduate studies on historic building conservation within the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj, were also launched by him. In this issue of the journal friends, colleagues and former students express their reverence and esteem for Mr. professor and his oeuvre.