Transsylvania Nostra Journal 3/2009
Year published: 2009 Page count: 60 Size: A4 (29,7 x 21 cm) Languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English, Deutsch ISSN 1842-5631 Publisher: UTILITAS
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The third issue from 2009 is dedicated to the 14th edition of the Conference Series on Theoretical and Practical Issues on Built Heritage Conservation – TUSNAD, that took place on May 19-24, 2009 in Rimetea, on the topic The Vernacular and the Multicultural Dialogue, and includes the report of the conference, as well as a selection of lectures presented during this event. We also had the privilege to publish for the first time in three languages (English, Romanian and Hungarian) The Rimetea Document, signed by the representatives of ICOMOS on May 23, 2009.