Transsylvania Nostra Journal 4/2010
Year published: 2010 Page count: 60 Size: A4 (29,7 x 21 cm) Languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English ISSN 1842-5631 Publisher: UTILITAS Sponsors: The Administration of the National Cultural Fund Stock availability: In stock Sell Price: 40.00RON |
The fourth issue from 2010 represents a novelty regarding its topic, this time being a double one: Access of historic buildings to EU funding – financing programmes, respectively the valuable but very little known Work of István Möller, an east-European restorer architect from the beginning of the 20th century. Therefore, the journal comes to meet the need of the general public of access to information in the field of built heritage conservation, and most of all, the possibilities of funding offered by EU in this area. Also, it presents and discusses the work as a restorer of an important but insufficiently known figure in our country, by publishing some new materials, the result of archival documentation and studies of different researchers from Romania and abroad.