lolcatz 22, 2024

The volume of the TUSNAD 1998 Conference

Year published: 1998

Page count: 64

Size: 21 x 21 cm

Languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English, Deutsch

ISBN 973-9377-00-9

Publisher: UTILITAS

Sponsors: MARCO Ltd., MACOPS Ltd., COMPREX Ltd., IDEA PRINT Ltd.

Stock availability: Not available

Sell Price: 0.00RON

The volume of the TUSNAD 1998 Conference

The volume includes the programme and the materials of the 7th edition of the Conference Series on Theoretical and Practical Issues on Built Heritage Conservation – TUSNAD, having as topic the Historic Towns. This is a problem partially unpublished but of present interest due to the programme dedicated to protected areas, which was going through a phase of growth and adapting to the demands of durable development. Presenting the arguments regarding democratization, secularisation and „greening” of the social existence in order to justify the importance of the programme dedicated to protected areas, does not mean that many others topics will be cast out of the conference. The texts of this publication were edited in four languages, in the idea of the Transylvanian multiculturalism.