The volume of the TUSNAD 1999 Conference
Year published: 1999 Page count: 240 Size: A4 (29,7 x 21 cm) Languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English, Deutsch ISBN 973-9377-06-8 Publisher: UTILITAS Sponsors: The Romanian Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, Historic Building Department, Museums and Collections Department, Ministry of Public Works and Teritorial Development, The Foundation for an Open Society in Romania S&G PRINT Ltd., MACOPS Ltd., Ministry of the National Cultural Heritage Stock availability: On order Sell Price: 0.00RON |
The volume includes the lectures of the 8th edition of the Conference Series on Theoretical and Practical Issues on Built Heritage Conservation – TUSNAD, having as topic the Vernacular Architecture. Its purpose is to stimulate scientific research, the suggested inventorying and surveying programme representing a first step forward in this direction. The texts of this publication were edited in four languages, in the idea of the Transylvanian multiculturalism.