lolcatz 22, 2024

The volume of the TUSNAD 2000 Conference

Year published: 2000

Page count: 226

Size: A4 (29,7 x 21 cm)

Languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English

ISBN 973-9377-17-3

Publisher: Utilitas

Sponsors: The Romanian Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, Ministry of Public Works and Teritorial Development, S&G PRINT, CREATIV-GROUP SA, Local Council of Harghita

Stock availability: On order

Sell Price: 0.00RON

The volume of the TUSNAD 2000 Conference

The universal need to interpret the world and its intrinsic processes may be found in different civilisation, beginning from their mythology, through the religious dogma, to scientific systems. The last decades of the 20th century belong to major changes. The consumerist society becomes receptive to the needs of the majority, being at the limits of existence along the millennia. At the beginning of the third millennium we need to reconsider the concept of cultural heritage. The consumerist society is not acquainted with the durable quality, which represents the essence of cultural heritage. Therefore, the volume of the 9th edition of the Conference Series on Theoretical and Practical Issues on Built Heritage Conservation – TUSNAD, has as topic the Built Heritage and Society.