lolcatz 22, 2024

llustrated Dictionary of Historic Load-bearing Structures

Author(s)/Editor(s): SZABÓ Bálint

Year published: 2004

Page count: 170

Size: 21 x 29,5

Languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English, Deutsch

ISBN 973-9377-37-8

Publisher: UTILITAS

Stock availability: Not available

Sell Price: 0.00RON

llustrated Dictionary of Historic Load-bearing Structures

The volume represents a study support for the author's lectures presented during the Course for specialising in different professions organised at the Built Heritage Conservation Training Centre in Bonţida, the Course of Construction Rehabilitation held by the Faculty of Architecture - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and the Postgraduate Studies in Built Heritage Rehabilitation from Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. The dictionary is edited in four languages (Romanian, English, Hungarian and German) on the purpose of allowing the specialists in built heritage and historic load-bearing structures to better understand the specific terms.